magazine is available at the back of
The Great Leesfield Sponsored Parish
Boundary Walk Saturday 12th September 2015 10.00 am Don’t forget! We will be doing the Sponsored Parish
Boundary Walk again this year on the 12th September. This is not
just about fundraising, but also an opportunity for us all to get together and
have fun. The whole walk is just under 10 miles, and should take around 5 hours
to complete including breaks, but can be split into stages with alternative
routes available. For further information including route map, detailed
stage-by-stage walking guide and how to register for the walk please pick up a
sponsor form in Church, e-mail, telephone 0161 627 4515
or see Paul and Liz in Church.If you are walking and have not yet registered
please let me know so I can add you to the list. It helps the checkpoint
marshals to make sure we haven’t lost anybody!
If you are not able to walk you could help by manning a checkpoint or
just sponsor someone who is walking. Please join us in this exciting event! Liz
Exploring Prayer sessions begin on Thursday
next week (17th) 7.30pm St
Agnes. This is not ‘heavy’ but should be interesting and enjoyable. More
details in the magazine or from Edith. Come along and try it!
Harvest Queen crowning is September
Items for the newsletter to Edith by Wednesday eve