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Wednesday 6 May 2015

Leesfield Parish May 3rd 2015

Thursday 7th  Archdeacon’s visitation at St Mark’s Glodwick 7.30pm. Churchwardens and sidespeople are expected to attend and PCC members are invited. Please make sure our parish is well represented!

Adult Confirmation sessions will begin May 6th in St Agnes Church at 7.00pm. If you are interested come along- no commitment!
Children’s confirmation classes will also start May 6th –after school in St Thomas Church. If you are in year 6 or 7, have attended church regularly for the last 12 months, and wish to be confirmed please ask Edith for a form and information sheet.

Rose Queen crowning will take place at St Agnes at 2pm on Saturday May 16th.
Preparations are well under way but ‘good’ bottles are still needed for the bottle stall (I guess that means wine!)
Please come along and support our new Rose Queen Ellie!

Ascension Day is next Thursday, 14th, service at St Thomas at 7.30pm.
This will be followed by coffee evening at 52 Spring Lane.

Our Pastoral Team, who hold services in two care homes and visit and take communion to housebound parishoners, really need some more helpers. This does not involve a huge time commitment, but does need the right people. If you think this could be you please talk to Ruth or Edith.

Psalm Response All the ends of the earth shall turn to you, O Lord

Magazine  articles to please

Items for the newsletter to Edith by Wednesday eve please.

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