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Friday 17 April 2020

Sunday 19th April 2020

The Second Sunday of Easter
You can find all of our latest information, Edith's reflection for this Sunday, our Thursday "Worship for all Generations" and much more by clicking on the following link to our facebook page - Leesfield Parish

Today is traditionally known as Low Sunday, and sometimes Thomas Sunday – for reasons that will become clear.  We have been through Holy Week and Easter Day, and now we move on towards Ascension and Pentecost. I can’t help wondering where we will all be by then! These last few weeks have been difficult, everyone has been affected in some way. I do hope you managed to follow in the steps of Jesus towards Easter and beyond. We have done our best to let you have material that will help keep you in touch. I have had some phone calls, which is helpful as it is difficult otherwise to know whether we are getting it right for you! We should, at this point, be heading for our Annual Meeting, with its elections of officers to run the church for the next year. This has, of course, been postponed. That does give you more time to consider what you can do to help move the parish forward. Your church needs you! 

We are very familiar with this story, which involves our own Thomas. Today’s gospel passage records Jesus’ appearance to the disciples. These disciples had been through a very difficult time – they had seen their leader, the man they believed to be the messiah, their saviour, crucified like – and with - common criminals. Their friend, their teacher, their leader was dead. And they were desolated. We can only imagine their joy when they saw him alive and beside them. And they reacted with understandable excitement. Poor Thomas wasn’t with them, he hadn’t had the experience of meeting the risen Christ, and he didn’t believe them, or rather he said he needed proof before he could believe it. What he wanted was only what his friends had already had. 
When preparing this reflection the part of the passage that struck me was right at the beginning. The disciples were gathered together behind locked doors. They were in hiding, not from the virus but from the authorities. What were they feeling? We can only imagine. I guess fear, anxiety, hopelessness, depression, loneliness. Many of us will be feeling some of these things in our current situation – fear of the illness (for ourselves and our families and friends) anxiety over job security and finances, and a general feeling of loss (of cancelled events, of closeness with others) and so on. The disciples were lifted up by Jesus appearances. We don’t have Jesus physical presence, but He is with us in our challenges and will be with us when this is all over and we can celebrate. 
Christ is Risen!         Alleluia!   


Almighty Father, you have given your only Son to die for our sins and to rise again for our justification: grant us so to put away the leaven of malice and wickedness that we may always serve you in pureness of living and truth; through the merits of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Lord, we give you thanks for all who, though they have not seen you, have believed. We give thanks for the disciples and your appearing to them in the upper room. Help us to know that you are with us in your risen power. We pray for Christians who are fearful of persecution, for all who are suffering because of their faith. 
Lord in your mercy                  Hear our prayer 

We give thanks for those who taught us the faith, for all who have set us examples to follow. May we rejoice in your presence in our homes.  May we show forth your power in our lives. Bless us in all our dealings and relationships. 
Lord in your mercy                  Hear our prayer 

We pray all who are ill in body mind or spirit, and name before you those who we know to need our prayers. We pray for all who are badly affected by the current situation, and give you thanks for all who are working to improve the lives of others. May they know the comfort and strength of your presence.
Lord in your mercy                  Hear our prayer 

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