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Thursday 9 April 2020

Maundy Thursday

A Bible reading and reflection by Edith for Mandy Thursday

Today is known as Maundy Thursday, from the Latin ‘mandatum’ which means commandment. A little further on in this chapter of John’s Gospel Jesus is recorded as saying

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 

 On the evening of this day, Jesus sat with his disciples to celebrate the Jewish Passover meal, his last Passover meal.  We are familiar with the story of the foot washing which preceded the meal – a reminder that we must let others help us. Perhaps this is a much needed reminder in these difficult times when we do not who know who will need help. Then follows the supper, which is the origin of the Eucharist, the commandment to love one another………………and the betrayal! Much to ponder here.

Please do join us at 6.30 pm for "Worship for all Generations", and at 9 pm for Compline, both on our facebook pageLeesfield Parish

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