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Friday 4 October 2019

Newsletter 6th October

Newsletter – 6th October 2019

Today we celebrate Harvest with a Parish Eucharist, 10 am at St Thomas’. Parish services are a great opportunity for worshippers from both churches to get together, so please do stay a while after the service.

The Ladies of Leesfield will be serving a Harvest Brunch of bacon or sausage muffins and a drink in the Community Room. Tickets cost £4 per adult or £2 per child. If brunch isn’t your thing you are most welcome to join us for coffee and a chat at the back of church.

There will be time to have a good, critical look at the condition of our church building in the light of the recent architect’s report, so we can consider how we may preserve our historic building to serve the community into the future.

People will also be on hand to help with any enquiries you may have about contributing to the life of the parish, in terms of time, talents and money. It’s been great to see so much interest shown recently in choir, bellringing and the new Thursday services, and it would be lovely to build on this by getting more people of all ages involved. Financial help is also needed to continue God’s work In this parish. 

St. Thomas' Leesfield Harvest Queen Annie was crowned last Sunday in a lovely service led by Jim Walker (Annie’s Grandad) and Revd Ruth Farrar. It was an amazing afternoon!! The girls all looked stunning in their gorgeous dresses and the boys very handsome. It was lovely that Rose Queen Freya and her retinue from St Agnes’ could join us, and also the Mayor of Oldham and Oldham Youth Mayor.

The Harvest Queens’ speeches and the prayers were read loud and clear. The Sunday School children (aged 3-10) sang “Any Dream Will Do” from Joseph, so beautifully, and the Oldham Band (Lees) played prior to the service before leading us in the hymns chosen by Harvest Queens Evie and Annie.

Many thanks to Lesley for making the stunning bouquet, Nicola at Children’s Boutique Lees for providing Annie's gorgeous dress and making the girls flower headbands, the Ladies of Leesfield for serving the refreshments, and to each & every one of you who helped, got involved, and came along and supported the event.

Annie and her retinue are really looking forward to an exciting year of representing the church, and fundraising events starting with an Afternoon Tea in the school hall at 1 pm on Sunday 20th October. Tickets cost £8 per adult, £5 per child and are available now from Karen or the retinue mums.

This week’s “Worship for all Generations” at 6.30 pm on Thursday at St Thomas’ is the first of a series of four focusing on miracles. This week it will be about “Water into Wine”. These services are great for all the family, so why not come along - you’re most welcome!

Items for the newsletter, website and facebook pages to Liz ( whenever you want to send. Lots of lovely pictures please!

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