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Saturday 19 October 2019

Newsletter 20th October

Newsletter – 20th & 27th October 2019

This newsletter covers the next 2 weeks as half term starts on the 25th October.

If you haven’t yet completed your “Income Survey Form” you will need to do so by 27th October at the latest. Each year the Diocese calculates the amount which it requires from each parish for the Parish Share, based on the number of people attending our services and the confidential Income Surveys. It’s really important that everyone completes a form, especially if your own personal income is quite low, so please do fill in a form and place it in the box at the back of church.

After today’s service Harvest Queen Annie and her retinue invite you to their Afternoon Tea in the school hall at 1 pm. Tickets cost £8 per adult, £5 per child and are available now from Karen or the retinue mums. There will also be tombolas and a raffle, so please do come and join the fun.

Then at 3 pm up at St John’s Church, Hey we have Churches Together Songs of Praise. Members of all the churches have chosen some of their favourite hymns, which we will sing together and learn a bit more about, so do come along and have a good sing.  

The Buildings Committee meets tomorrow evening, 21st October, 7.30 pm at St Agnes’.

Our next Choir practice will be at 7 pm on Monday 28th October at St Thomas’. Everyone is really welcome to come and join us.

The Ladies of Leesfield Coffee Morning on Saturday 2nd November will be hosted by Pat and held in St Thomas’ Community Room from 10.30 am to noon. All are welcome at the Ladies’ events, so please feel free to bring a friend.

On Saturday 16th November Roy and Audrey are organising a Parish Day Trip to York. Full details will be available nearer the time, but if you are interested please could you let Roy and Audrey know.

The next two “Worship for all Generations” services at 6.30 pm on Thursday at St Thomas’ are the remaining ones of a series of four focusing on miracles. This week’s theme is “Jesus - fisher of men” and the following week “Feeding the 5000”. The services are non-Eucharistic and last just over half an hour, so if you haven’t been to one yet why not give it a go? 

The e-mail deadline for the next edition of “Voice” magazine is Sunday 10th November, but as we’ll be away on holiday please could we have any hand-written articles by Sunday 27th October.

Items for the newsletter, website and facebook pages to Liz ( whenever you want to send. Lots of lovely pictures please!

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