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Saturday 28 March 2015

Leesfield Parish March 29th 2015

Today is Palm Sunday and the start of Holy Week.  Please do your best to attend at least one of the services held during Holy Week.

Thursday  April 2nd  Maundy Thursday  Service 7.30pm at St Thomas
This will be followed by a short watch ending with Compline at 9pm
Friday April 3rd          Good Friday      Service 10.30am St Thomas
Then we walk to the village centre for a short outdoor act of witness at 12.30pm
Saturday April 4th      Easter Vigil  St Agnes 7.30pm
We begin Easter here as we welcome the light of Christ into our Parish. This is a very moving service, not to be missed!
Sunday April 5th  Easter Sunday  Services at usual times.

Donations towards Easter flowers at St Thomas to Audrey Atkinson please. At St Agnes we need more names on the flower rota.
Emma McDonald is organizing the Easter raffle –donations to and tickets from Emma.Raffle will be drawn after the service on Easter Day at St Thomas.

Christian Aid week is May 10th to 17th. More collectors are needed from both churches –please see Liz Dent or the wardens if you can help.
There is a small electronic organ at the back of St Thomas – we are not sure whether it works!.. is anyone interested in taking it? (donation please)

A meeting has been arranged for 7pm on Tuesday, 31st March, 2015 at Lees Library (entrance by side door) to discuss the arrangements for the proposed Church Social, which is due to be held on Saturday, 2nd May at St. Edward's function room.  We already have a small group of volunteers to organise this event, but if you wish to take part all ideas would be very welcome.  Please come along and help.
Adult Confirmation sessions will begin May 6th. Please think hard whether this is right for you this year. Discuss with Edith or Ruth. We will be asking for names of both adult and child candidates after Easter.

Psalm response   I have trusted in you, O Lord

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