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Friday 31 March 2023

Holy Week and Easter in Leesfield Parish

 Holy Week and Easter

Here you will find the details of all our services in Leesfield Parish during this most holy week in the Christian calendar.

We invite everyone to join us on every stage of our journey from Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper with the Disciples, the Crucifixion, and to His glorious Resurrection.

If you are unable to be with us in person, we will be sharing resources from our own parish, Manchester Diocese and the Church of England here on this page, so that you can worship from wherever you are.  

Palm Sunday

There will be a Parish Eucharist at 10 am on Sunday the 2nd April at St Thomas' Church, and there will be no service at St Agnes' Church on that day.

We are pleased to welcome Bishop Mark to preach and preside at this service, where we celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, greeted by crowds waving palms.

We gather in the schoolyard with our palm crosses, and process into church for the Palm Sunday service.

Monday of Holy Week

In the morning, clergy from all around our diocese gather in Manchester Cathedral to renew the vows which they took at their ordination, supported by lay representatives from their parishes.
After the service they collect the Chrism oils, which are used at Baptisms and Confirmations, to take back to their parishes. 

Please join us in prayer for those who are called to serve God in our communities.

At 7.30 pm at St Thomas' Church, we have Compline prayer with our Churchwardens Paul and Neil. Please see Wednesday for more information.

Tuesday of Holy Week

Worship for All Generations is at 6.30 pm at St Agnes' Church on Tuesday. This is a family service led by our Authorised Lay Minister Neil Crook, and everyone of "all generations" is most welcome. The focus of this week's gathering is Palm Sunday, for anyone who was unable to attend the Sunday service.

Compline prayers will again be said at St Thomas' Church at 7.30 pm on Wednesday.

Wednesday of Holy Week

The second Worship for all Generations of the week is at 6.30 pm at  St Agnes' Church. 

As the church is so tiny, we are currently having two services each week to accommodate the number of people attending.

The services are also recorded, and posted on the parish facebook page on Thursday.

Compline Prayer is a short, gentle way to end the day, and will be said at 7.30 pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week at St Thomas' Church, led by your Churchwardens Paul and Neil.  

It would be lovely if you could be with us in person, but if that's difficult for you, some of the prayers that we use are shown here so that you can pray with us at home.

Maundy Thursday

Our tradional Maundy Thursday service is at St Thomas' Church at 7.30 pm, with Revd John Faraday.

During this service we re-create the events of Jesus' Last Supper with the disciples. The Communion bread and wine are blessed and placed on the altar, and we are invited to remain and watch for a while with our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Good Friday

On Friday morning at 10.30 am we have our Good Friday Eucharist at St Thomas' Church, with Revd Graham Lindley. We commemorate the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and share the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Representatives from our parish carry a cross to the centre of Lees, and meet with our fellow Christians for the Churches Together Act of Witness at 1 pm. This is a very moving service held in the open air, led by ministers and lay people from all the churches, and we invite everyone from the local community to join us.

Holy Saturday

Our Easter Eve service is at 7.30 pm at St Agnes' Church, with our Area Dean, Revd Daniel Ramble. 

We end the emptiness of Holy Saturday by lighting the Paschal Candle from a fire outside, and bringing it in to the church, leading us into the light and joy of the resurrection. We then renew our baptismal vows together around the font, before our first Holy Communion of Easter.

Easter Sunday

There are two services in Leesfield Parish on Easter Sunday - 9.15 am at St Agnes' Church and 11 am at St Thomas' Church, led by Revd Christine Steel.

All are warmly invited to join us on this most holy day for our Eucharistic services.

Families are most welcome, and there will be an Easter Egg hunt for the children. Refreshments are served in the community room after the service, and the Sunday School children will be selling home made buns. 


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