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Friday 16 December 2022

Christmas Update

 It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas in Leesfield Parish

Christmas Trees 😊 

Christingle 😊

Advent 3 Candle 😊

You can find lots more news and photos on our facebook pages -

This Sunday's services are at the usual times of 9.15 am at St Agnes' and 11.00 am at St Thomas', 

Also on Sunday, we have our special Parish Carol Service at St Thomas' Church at 6.30 pm. This is a traditional service of 9 lessons and carols with additional musical items, and everyone is warmly invited to join us, whether you usually come to church or not. We will be having light refreshments after the service, and the draw for the Parish Hamper Raffle will take place then.

On Monday evening, we will be out singing Christmas Carols around Leesfield Village, and collecting for the Booth Centre for homeless people in Manchester as we go. Please feel free to come along as we take Christmas out to the people who might not be able to come to us  - the more the merrier!  

During the week, we have our usual Tuesday Morning Service of Holy Communion at 10 am at St Thomas' Church, and then on Wednesday evening, 6.30 pm at St Agnes' it's our special Christmas service for Worship for all Generations. More next week about our Christmas weekend services - we're really looking forward to seeing you!

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