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Friday 22 April 2022

Easter Joy

 Easter Joy in Leesfield Parish 2022

Here for everyone to enjoy are lots of photos from around the parish, taken during Holy Week and Easter and during the Lent preparations.

The Sunday School Children made lovely Easter cards for the residents of the care homes in our parish, and these were delivered by Revd Ruth Farrar, along with palm crosses.

Before the schools broke up for the holidays, Revd Lyn and Revd Chris, along with other volunteers, welcomed all of the children from both St Thomas' and St Agnes' schools to "Experience Easter". The children learned all about the Easter story, and about sharing their sorrows with Jesus.

The Palm Sunday service at St Thomas' Church began with us assembling in the schoolyard, and then processing around and into church. The photo below shows the Sunday School children waving their Palm Crosses.

Monday of Holy Week traditionally starts with the Chrism Mass at Manchester Cathedral. Members of our clergy team attended the service, where priests renew their ordination vows, and the oils used at baptisms are blessed.

Here in Leesfield, Churchwardens Neil and Paul led the Compline prayers at St Thomas' Church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 9 pm. Parishioners who were unable to attend church were invited to join us in prayer from home.  

Worship for all Generations has continued every Wednesday evening at 6.30 pm at St Agnes' throughout the Lent and Easter period, without the usual break at the end of the month, so that our young families can journey through Lent together. The final service of the Easter season was "He is Risen" on Wednesday 20th April, and can be viewed on our facebook page from Thursday evening - Leesfield Parish  

Our Maundy Thursday Eucharist was led by Revd Amy-Elizabeth at St Thomas' Church. During the service, feet were washed and we shared in Jesus' Last Supper with his Disciples, before placing the reserved Sacrament on the Altar of Repose and watching quietly in prayer.


Good Friday began with a morning service led by Revd Amy-Elizabeth, commemorating the Crucifixion of Christ. Congregation members then joined their fellow Christians from Churches Together in Lees and District in a joint Act of Witness in the centre of Lees.

Saturday's Easter Vigil at St Agnes' Church was quiet and reflective. Revd Chris lit the Paschal Candle from a fire outside church, and the congregation lit individual candles before renewing their baptismal vows together. During the Eucharist we had no music, only the uplifting birdsong at dusk through the open doors of the church. 

Easter Sunday was celebrated in both churches. Revd Chris's sermon at St Thomas' involved audience participation, with the children looking around the church for evidence that Jesus is indeed risen, before going outside on an Easter egg hunt.

Easter Sunday is the first occasion after Lent that we sing the Gloria during the service, and the eagle-eyed (or is it bat-eared) amongst us, may have recognised the familiar sound of St Thomas' church organ. Our organist, Warren, has not been able to be with us due to family commitments for some time, but very kindly agreed to record the music for the sung parts of the Eucharistic service - Thank You, Warren!   

After a period of preparation, some of our Sunday School children were admitted to Holy Communion for the fist time on Easter Sunday. Congratulations to the children.

Huge t
hanks go to our wonderful clergy team, and to everyone involved in all of our Easter preparations.

Finally, a reminder that this Sunday is the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which will take place immediately following a 10 am Parish Eucharist at St Thomas' Church. There will be no service at St Agnes' that day.

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