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Friday 11 February 2022

Leesfield Parish News

 Leesfield Parish News

Well, we're gradually starting to get back to normal, and events are happening around the parish. Here are a few details of what's coming up soon, and we'll provide regular updates. 

Harvest Queen Annie & her retinue are raising money on ALL TWOS DAY 22/2/22 (or around that date) and are asking everyone to join in and raise their own £22.22 by being sponsored or selling things or whatever you want to raise the £22.22 😊

Here’s a few ideas;
Bake 22 goodies and sell to your neighbours or family and friends 🍰🧁πŸͺ
Help family with 22 jobs 🧽 πŸš— 🧹πŸͺ£
Score 22 goals πŸ₯… ⚽️ or 22 tries πŸ‰ 
Swim 22 widths/lengths of the pool 🏊🏻‍♂️ 
Read 22 books πŸ“š
Walk or Run 22km πŸƒ‍♂️ 

Use your imagination and use the number 22 to inspire you.  We can’t wait to see and hear your creative ideas. 😁

As Lent approaches, there will be special services in our churches and schools. Full details will be published here as soon as they are available.

Please see the poster for changes to Worship for all Generations services. 

Worship for all Generations is a family service led by our Authorised Lay Minister, Neil Crook. The service includes prayers, Bible readings, songs and a talk, with some participation from you. Everyone is most welcome to come along and join us!

The Ladies of Leesfield have now recommenced their regular monthly meetings and other activities in the Community Room at St. Thomas’ Church. 
We are a group of Christian Ladies who meet for companionship, friendship and hopefully - FUN.

Coffee mornings are held on the first Saturday of each month at 10.30 am, and our meetings are on the third Tuesday monthly at 2 pm. 

Although we usually start with a prayer, we are not a prayer group. We have guest speakers on a variety of topics, quiz nights (just fun - not Mastermind), and coffee evenings. Please don’t be shy - just ask one of our ladies in church or just turn up. You will be made most welcome (You don't have to be a lady, or from Leesfield, to come along).

Our Deanery Eco Champion, Matt Carson, produces a monthly paper about what's going on within local churches to look after God's Creation. You can read all about it here - The Eco Echo February 2022

Finally, Churches Together in Lees and District are re-starting the extremely popular Lent Lunches this year. The focus is the film "I, Daniel Blake", which is what we had started in 2020 but had to abandon after the first session because of the lockdown. All are most welcome to join us - see the poster for details.

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