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Thursday 14 October 2021

Mid-week news 15th October

 Mid-week news

It’s absolutely great to have our Sunday school children and their families back with us in St Thomas’ Church. They’ve only been back a few weeks and already we’ve seen some fantastic work from them. For Harvest they made some beautiful cards to be delivered to people who are not able to get out to our churches, and last week they made lovely harvest wreaths from autumn leaves.

Next Saturday Harvest Queen Annie is holding an Autumn Fair in St Thomas’ School Hall from 12 - 5 pm. This is our first proper fundraising event in absolutely ages, so please do come along and have some fun! We have some fantastic stalls (KNITWITS, GIFTS & CRAFT CELLAR, PICTUREFUL OF MEMORIES and HEAVENS SCENT), as well as TOMBOLAS, the BUZZ GAME, the LOLLY GAME, FUN CRAFT for the children, LUCKY DIP and our fab RAFFLE full of great prizes including donations from local businesses.

The Ladies of Leesfield are also now re-starting their monthly meetings, which will be at 2 pm on the third Tuesday of each month from Tuesday 19th October. New members and visitors are always welcome, and there will be refreshments and a raffle for a donation of £3.

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