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Friday 23 July 2021

Mid-week news 23rd July

 Mid-week News

Sunday the 11th July was a very special day in the Leesfield calendar, when 10 candidates from our parish were confirmed by Bishop Mark in a lovely, joyous service at St Thomas' Church. The wildflowers in the foreground of the photo were sown on the National Day of Refection in March. 

Next Sunday, the 25th July, marks the beginning of a new chapter in our parish life. We will be welcoming Revd Lyn Woodall as the incumbent of Leesfield Parish at a special service at 3 pm.  Revd Lyn is also Vicar of St John, Hey, and will continue in that role as well as in our parish. Revd Christine Steel and Revd Mother Amy-Elizabeth Sheridan will be licensed to our parish in the same service. 

As the Covid restrictions are lifted, we are currently reviewing the updated guidance from the Diocese before our new Vicar and the PCC make further decisions about how we can return to our normal pattern of services and events. Please be patient, and pray for us as we consider what we can do to encourage everyone to return to church, whilst at the same time showing our Christian love for each other by ensuring that those who are still vulnerable can access worship in safety.

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