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Wednesday 17 June 2020

Mid-week Joy 17th June 2020

Mid-week Joy

Welcome again to our mid-week celebration of all the great things happening in Leesfield Parish and beyond.

Our Sunday service details will be here at the weekend, but there's so much more we would love to share with you in the meantime. 

Worship for all Generations is back on Thursday - with a "Father's Day preview". Everyone is welcome to join us on our facebook page - Leesfield Parish
This week's musical item comes from the Oldham Learning Disability team, who have produced a signalong video to Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds to send out to people with Learning Disabilities, their families and staff teams. It may be some time before we are able to sing hymns in church - so if anybody could teach us how to sign them we'd love to hear from you.

As the Government continues to ease lockdown restrictions, we are now permitted to open church buildings for private prayer, subject to strict observance of distancing and hygiene rules. St Thomas' Church will be open from this Sunday, but unfortunately St Agnes' Church is just too small for this to happen. Please see the poster below for more details.

Our Sunday school children and adults have been sharing their favourite Bible stories, and why they love them on their facebook page - St Thomas Leesfield Sunday School . We would love to hear what your favourites are too so we can share them with all our friends.

They have also been sharing their beautiful nature photos, taken in their own gardens or whilst out on walks. It would be lovely if we could link the photos to Bible verses to create a feature for forthcoming issues of "Mid-week Joy", so please do let us know if you can help.

Many of our regular followers will be familiar with our Carol singing around the village and in Lees Co-op to raise funds for the Booth Centre for homeless people in Manchester. The centre has recently celebrated its 25th anniversary and posted the following on its facebook page :- 

Introducing our 25th-anniversary mosaic… now proudly displayed on our wall!

The mosaic was designed and created by our art group and is another example of the hard work and creativity that happens at the Centre.
If you would like to support the work of the Booth Centre please consider donating by clicking on the following link -

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