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Wednesday 27 May 2020

Mid-week Joy 27th May 2020

Mid-week Joy

Welcome again to our mid-week celebration of all the great things happening in Leesfield Parish and beyond.

Our Sunday service details will be here at the weekend, but there's so much more we would love to share with you in the meantime. 

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, and of course we will all miss our traditional Whit Sunday Walks and the joint service in St Thomas' Church. 

We can't do the walks this year, but some of our very talented friends from Churches Together in Lees and District are putting together an online service which we can all join in with, and share with the whole community.

The service will be shared here and on our Facebook pages on Sunday, and we invite everyone to join us.

This week's musical item comes from the Stay at Home Choir with the King's Singers. An uplifting rendition of Billy Joel's "And So It Goes", which is beautifully signed to make it accessible to all. 

The Sunday School children have been really busy colouring in stained glass windows of the Ascension and doing a really hard Wordsearch. Annie's even drawn her own picture of the Ascension of Jesus!

Our Scout Group had a very adventurous couple of weeks with the Group rallying together to help us climb Mount Everest, OK not THE Mount Everest but a virtual one. 3870 staircases have been climbed in a two week period, with everyone in the Group from the youngest Beaver Scouts up to ancient leaders with creaky knees involved, and on Thursday 7th May around 7pm we reached the summit & thankfully because staircases are two way we had already done the descent. The expedition was a great success - everyone pulled together for the final push, there were no cases of frost bite, and no-one was eaten by yetis. 
The 15th – 17th May should have been our Oldham Borough District Beaver Scout Sleepover, and then lockdown arrived so we had a sleepover but in our own homes.
The My Outdoor Challenge Award was re-written to become the My Indoor Challenge Award, retaining as much of the ideas, training, skills and fun as we could, but adapting it to be home friendly and opened up to all the Groups in Greater Manchester North scouting. 
The Beaver Scouts were so engaging, imaginative & innovative that it was an absolute pleasure to have been involved with - families were putting up family sized tents in their gardens for them all to camp out, bedsheet forts were being built & one young Beaver Scout in Bolton even slept in what looked like their new shed!. We built junk model computer systems, tied ourselves in knots, learnt how to keep safe in the current situation, cooked, washed up, made origami copies of our uniforms, undertook a purple items scavenger hunt (lots of Cadburys wrappers & one Beaver Scout managed to include his mum’s bra!!). We had a campfire, hot chocolate & bedtime stories before lights out and then on Sunday morning we started again - Garden minibeast safaris, a short family hike, rock painting, twig people, birdfeeder construction & a short session on getting help in an emergency. 

Just because it's funny - here's an old Samsung washing machine commercial for you!

And finally - this week's Nature spot features a mother heron feeding her rather strange looking chicks - please click on the following link to view - Heron's nest from RSPB on Twitter 

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