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Thursday 12 March 2020

News update 12th March

The latest update from the Church of England on Coronavirus can be found here - 

Church of England coronavirus guidance for churches

Please do have a look at it, as it includes links to digital ways of accessing church services and resources if you're unable to get out to church. 

In Leesfield Parish we have now suspended the use of the Chalice at Communion, and will be sharing the Peace verbally. You can keep up to date with what's happening by following us on Twitter or Facebook - the links are at the side of the page.

If you know of anyone who is self-isolating and doesn't have access to websites or social media, please do keep in touch with them by telephone, and let us know if they want us to contact them by telephone rather than a visit. 

Finally, keep praying - here's a prayer for those affected by Coronavirus -

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