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Saturday 13 October 2018

Newsletter 14th October

Leesfield Parish – 14th October 2018

Today, regular members of our congregations are asked to complete the Annual Income Surveys. This is how the Diocese works out how much we in Leesfield Parish can afford to contribute through our Parish Share towards the cost of clergy, training and housing, and they do this by taking into account worshippers’ income. If you are aged 16 years or over, and have attended this church at least 12 times in the past year, please complete the confidential and anonymous form which is available at the back of church, fold it and place it in the sealed box. Only your own personal income, rather than household income, should be used to fill in the form. It is really important that everyone who is eligible completes the form, even (indeed especially) if you have little, or no, personal income.

The Monday Emmaus Group meets tomorrow at 1.30 pm in St Thomas’ Community Room.

The Deanery event “We are all Disciples” on Saturday 20th October at St John’s Church, Hey has now been shortened, and will finish at around 1.10 pm. There will no longer be a need to bring a packed lunch, but refreshments will be provided and there will be plenty of opportunity to chat to people from other churches during group sessions and breaks.

Bishop Mark will lead a session on “Understanding St Luke’s Gospel Better”, and Jamie Mackenzie will speak about “Being more comfortable as Disciples”. The organisers of the event need to know numbers as soon as possible, so if you are able to come along please let us know.

St Thomas’ DCC is tomorrow, Monday the 15th, 7 pm at St Thomas’ and St Agnes’ Open Forum is on Wednesday the 17th, 8 pm at St Agnes’. Both the DCC and Open Forum meetings are open to all members of our congregations, so please do come along and join the conversations.

Churches Together in Lees and District is a group of Christian Churches of all denominations in our locality, who join together in several services and events throughout the year. The next Open Meeting is this Tuesday, 7.30 pm at Zion Methodist, and everyone is welcome to come and meet our fellow Christians.

The Ladies of Leesfield are hosting a Quiz Night in St Thomas’ Community Room at 7.30 pm on Thursday 18th October. Please do join us, and bring a friend. Refreshments and raffle £3.

If anyone is submitting handwritten articles for the next issue of “Voice” magazine please could they be handed in at church by Sunday, 28th October. Items sent via email will be ok to submit by the 11th November.

Items for the newsletter, website and facebook pages to Liz ( whenever you want to send. Lots of lovely pictures please!

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