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Monday 19 October 2015

Leesfield Parish October 18th 2015

Income Survey forms  If you attend church 12 or more times a year, and are an adult, please complete a form at the back of church and put it in the box. These are completely anonymous and are used to calculate our parish share.
This afternoon   2pm Churches Together service Freedom Sunday at Salvation Army
See poster at the back of church for more details

Wednesday 21st   Churches Together open meeting  Zion 7.30pm

Thursday 22nd Ladies of Leesfield 7.30pm St Thomas  Flower arranging

Friday 24th  Rose Queen Fancy Dress Disco at Springhead Football club

Next Sunday (25th) 6.30pm  Edith will be licensed as incumbent of the parish during a service of evening prayer.  Assistant Bishop Graham Dow will preside and license Edith, and Archdeacon Cherry Vann will preach. Please come along to this parish celebration!
Refreshments will follow the service

Parish trip to  Llandudno and Christmas Market  Saturday 21st November 20159 am leave Lees and 4.30 leave Llandudno  Cost £14. Anyone wishing to go on this trip please let Audrey or Roy Atkinson know.

School Supplementary forms have been signed. Please make sure you get yours back.

Rose queen has arranged for the now traditional evening at the White Hart to take place Fri March18th 2016. £35 per ticket. Laura is taking deposits of £10 now, and you can pay by installments if you wish.

The new Planned Giving envelopes are now available. If you have not yet received yours please see Liz or Philip. Also, if you are not already a member of the Planned Giving Scheme and would like further information Liz or Philip will be happy to help.

The rota for the Posada at St Thomas is at the back of church- please sign up to have them in your home during Advent.

Please would anyone who has ‘stuff’ in the cupboards (or even not in the cupboards!) at the back of St Thomas Church please have a good sort through and clear out as soon as possible – and definitely by the end of October half term. We need to have the space cleared to enable the preparatory work for the development project to go ahead.

We need more people to read and/or do the prayers at our Sunday services. Please think seriously about helping with this and talk to the wardens or clergy.  Help is available if you are unsure.

Magazine  articles to please
Items for the newsletter to Edith by Wednesday eve please.

Sun Nov 1st  3.30pm  Service for All Souls   at St Thomas

Psalm Response     The Lord heals the broken hearted

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