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Saturday 4 October 2014

The LAST Project - October 2014

Disappointed but not discouraged  
The LAST Project -  October 2014

Disappointed but not discouraged that perhaps best sums up the reaction of the working group when we learned in the middle of September that our bid to Veolia for funding had been turned down. Disappointed, naturally, since a great deal of work went into the bid and, because there were a limited number of groups who fitted the criteria of being within ten miles of a the site,  it was one where we felt we had a     really good chance of success. However, not discouraged as the work will not be wasted since it can, with not too much difficulty be adapted and ‘cut and pasted’ to support the further bids we are in the process of and        proposing to make.

In addition to that there is very positive news on the progress we are making with fund-raising – funds from the congregations and our supporters are coming in well, the Sponsored Boundary Walk is expected to yield a very useful sum, and the number of pledges at both churches  continues to grow. Encouraged by this it also enabled us to put in a bid to the National Churches Trust which  will be going off in good time for the next deadline which is early October. 

Continuing with the work which is necessary from our side we have recently met with the architect and set in process the invitation of tenders from    selected firms for the improvements. These improvements can’t start until we have secured sufficient funds to embark on Phase 1 but the tenders will also help to support our applications to   other bodies for funding.  Although we have still much to do on the home front we are aware of a number of charities that we can and will approach but the sums involved are not as large as the grants from bodies like Veolia so it will be a matter of making lots of bids for smaller amounts of money. That we don’t face an impossible task is evidenced by the number of other churches which have managed to raise and secure funding for similar improvements, That we have such a lovely building also helps our cause.

So the work goes on and the message: ...we should never be discouraged... rings true.

Mel Farrar

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