St Thomas Leesfield May 11th 2014
Adult preparation classes
begin at St Agnes on 14th May
at 7pm – all welcome, just come along and decide if this is the right
step for you.
Children’s classes continue on Wednesday after school in St Thomas
Church. Finish at 4.15pm. The children have been given a list of future dates!
Saturday May 17th
Coffee morning at the home of Marlene Farrimond 2 Leesway
Beginning at 10.30am. This
is in aid of the British Lung Foundation
Parish Trip to Southport Saturday July 12th . Leave Lees at 9.30am and leave
Southport at 4.30. £12 each. Se Audrey,
Roy or Vera if you are interested
From Harvest Queen
Sun 8th June. The
Great Victoria Sponge bake off will be held on Whit Sunday. Present your
victoria sponge entry prior to the whit procession, winners will be
informed following the service then all entries will be eaten with a cup of
tea. There will be gold, silver and bronze classification.
Sun 6th July @ 2pm. The current queens in the parish are hoping to hold a
parish world cup in conjunction with the world cup. However we need to know
if we have enough interest for teams ie/ dads and lads, cubs, mixed
kids team. Please could you let Penny at St. Thomas or Geraldine at St. Agnes
know if this would be a viable event asap.
Items for the newsletter to Edith by Wednesday eve