Leesfield Parish June 25th 2017
Bible Study is back
to its usual time of 1.30pm on Monday at St Thomas’. The sessions are “stand-alone” so it’s not
necessary to attend every one. Everyone is welcome, whether you’ve been before
or not.

On Friday the 7th July at 7.30 pm we are holding a Cheese and Wine evening in St Thomas' Community Room.
We will be sampling cheeses and wine from around the world, and there will also be a fun quiz.
Tickets cost £10 each, and are available from Lesley. Please buy your tickets as early as possible so we can plan for numbers.
July 8th is Harvest Queen Molly Mae & her retinue’s
“at home”, 2pm. This is a celebration of her year as Harvest Queen and
there will be a short service when Rose, May & Harvest Queens from other
churches will join her. Afterwards there will be refreshments and stalls
over in the school hall.
We would be very grateful for any donations of soft toys, chocolate, tombola items and bottles for the stalls. Please drop off to church or give to Emma MacDonald, Liz Briggs, Ella Wood and Karen Jakeman. Many Thanks for your support.
We would be very grateful for any donations of soft toys, chocolate, tombola items and bottles for the stalls. Please drop off to church or give to Emma MacDonald, Liz Briggs, Ella Wood and Karen Jakeman. Many Thanks for your support.
The Parish Confirmation Service is at St
Thomas’ at 11am on Sunday July 9th. There will
be no service at St Agnes’ on that day. The rehearsal is at 7pm on Tuesday 4th July.
There are still a few seats left on the Parish Trip to Liverpool on Saturday 15th July, please see Audrey for tickets
St Thomas church
is open regularly on Tuesday and Saturday mornings, so people can drop in,
look around, pray or just sit. For this to happen, we need volunteers to sit in
church (Could be in the back room !) Can you help with this? Can you spare an
hour now and again? See Edith or sign the list please.
Items for the newsletter to Liz (lizzy.dent@googlemail.com) by Wednesday eve
please. *Please note the change of
email address.*
Mon | 26-Jun | Bible Study - St Thomas' 1.30pm | |||||
Wed | 28-Jun | Adult Confirmation Class - St Thomas' 7pm | |||||
Thur | 29-Jun | Wedding Rehearsal - St Agnes' 6pm | |||||
Sat | 01-Jul | Ladies Coffee morning, 2 Leesway, 10.30 am | |||||
Sat | 01-Jul | Wedding at St Agnes' 3 pm | |||||
Tues | 04-Jul | Confirmation rehearsal St Thomas 7 pm | |||||
Thur | 06-Jul | DMPC 7.30pm | |||||
Fri | 07-Jul | Wedding at St Thomas' 4 pm | |||||
Fri | 07-Jul | Cheese & Wine Evening at St Thomas' 7.30pm | |||||
Sat | 08-Jul | Harvest Queen at home - St Thomas' 2pm | |||||
Sun | 09-Jul | Confirmation - Parish service - 11 am | |||||
Wed | 12-Jul | "Annie" at St Agnes' school 7 pm | |||||
Thur | 13-Jul | "Annie" at St Agnes' school 7 pm | |||||
Sat | 15-Jul | Parish trip to Liverpool - leave 9 am, return 4.30 pm | |||||
Sat | 22-Jul | Tea & Toast St Thomas' 10.30 am | |||||
Thur | 27-Jul | Coffee evening 7.30 pm at 27 The Sycamores, Lees | |||||
Sat | 05-Aug | Ladies Coffee Morning Val Sedgewick Leesway 10.30am | |||||
Sat | 05-Aug | Wedding at St Thomas' - 3pm | |||||
Sat | 12-Aug | Parish Boundary Walk | |||||
Sat | 19-Aug | Tea & Toast St Thomas' 10.30 am | |||||
Thur | 24-Aug | Ladies of Leesfield - Bygone days Part 1 - 7.30pm | |||||
Sat | 26-Aug | Ladies of Leesfield Afternoon Tea at St Thomas' 2.30pm |