Today is St Thomas’s day!
After the service at Thomas, at 12.30pm,
we will begin our “opening event” of the new facilities.
We have invited people who have helped us
towards this, either as individuals or as part of an organisation. There will
not be coffee after church, and there will be a bit of a rush to get things
ready by 12.30, so it would be helpful if the back area of church can be kept
as clear as possible at this time. Thank you for your co-operation. Normal
service will be resumed next week – in the new community room!
Wednesday July 6th. Joint PCC meeting with St John’s Hey. 7.30pm at St
Thomas’, led by Archdeacon Cherry. Please will PCC members attend if they
possibly can.
Harvest Queen Amy Jakeman’s “at home” – Sat 9th
July. This will be Amy and her retinue’s big event of the year when Rose Queens
are invited from other churches. So
please come along and support them. It
starts at 2.30pm with a short service in church followed by refreshments, a
raffle, lots of stalls including chocolate, bottle & teddy tombolas. All donations from gift bags to tombola items
to homemade cakes are gratefully received and should be given to Amy and her
retinue or their mums. Also, please can
anyone who is able to help on the day also let them know. Thank You J
Have you booked your place
yet on the Parish trip on July 16th?
There are still places available on what will be an enjoyable day out. This includes a 1 and half hour barge trip and visit to
Oswaldtwistle Mill. Leave junction Spring Lane/Burton Street 9am, leave
Oswaldtwistle at 4.30pm. Cost £20. Let
Audrey or Roy know if you are interested (or Lesley or Edith).
July 24th is the date of our parish Confirmation
service. This is 11am at St Thomas’ led by Bishop Mark. This is very much a
parish event. Please put the date in
your diary and come and support if you possibly can.
Meanwhile do pray for those preparing for confirmation.
There is a lot going on in this parish. There are many ways to keep in touch with what is going on.
The weekly newsletter and ‘dates for your diary’ is usually available either by
e mail or as a paper copy. The magazine has information. Liz Dent produces an
electronic copy of Calendar dates. There is also St Thomas’ blogspot. Please make sure you check these regularly so
you don’t miss anything!
articles to please
Items for
the newsletter to Edith by Wednesday
eve please.
Sun July 3rd Event to
celebrate the new facilities at St Thomas. 12.30
Wed July 6th Joint
PCC with Hey at St Thomas 7.30pm
Sat July 9th Harvest Queen “at home” 2:30pm
Mon July 11th
Buildings committee 7.30pm St
Thurs July 14th Deanery Synod Friezland 7.30pm
Sat July 16th Parish trip – Barge trip and Mill
Wed July 20th
Confirmation rehearsal 7pm St
Thurs July 21st Coffee evening 27 The Sycamores 7.30pm
Sat July 23rd
Tea and Toast St Thomas
10.30 to noon (£3 inc raffle)
Sun July 24th
Confirmation 11am St Thomas. No
service at St Agnes today
Things get a little
quieter in August! There is a list of events and dates up to the end of
November. If you haven’t received one of these lists by e mail and would like
one, please ask Liz Dent (who compiles this) or Edith.