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Wednesday 28 June 2023

175th Anniversary Update

 175th Anniversary Update

We're really excited about the coming weekend of events to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of St Thomas' Church, and are very busy with our preparations.

The headline picture is just one of many drawn by our Sunday School children and pupils from our three Church Schools. To see them all, visit our Sunday School Facebook page at - St Thomas Leesfield Sunday School

Everyone is warmly invited to join us at any stage during the weekend - there really is something for everybody, and admission is free of charge. 


The weekend begins gently with Taizé worship in Church at 10 am, where we will light candles and pray with calming music, and there will then be quiet time for private prayer. 

Classes from St Agnes' and St Hugh's schools will be visiting us for the remainder of the morning, and St Thomas' School are holding their weekly assembly in church from 2.15 to 3.15 pm.

Church is open to visitors of all ages from 12.30 to 2 pm and 3.15 to 5 pm to view our historical displays, so why not pop in to see us after school? Our parishioners have been sharing their photos and memories of Leesfield Parish, which have been added to these displays. 


The church will be open all day, from 10 am to 5 pm, for visitors to explore our Church and the historical displays. Guide books are available, and there will be people on hand to answer any questions you may have. 

The Ladies of Leesfield are hosting a Coffee Morning in the Church Community Room from 10.30 am to 12 noon, and are pleased to welcome friends and visitors from the local community. 

Victoria Sponge, Fruit and Chocolate Cakes should be handed in to the school hall by 11am so that judging can take place - the winners will be announced in the hall after the opening of the Lees Village Fete, and the cakes will then be on sale.

Registrations for the Dog Show open from 11 am. Various classes are available, and the entry fee is £2 per class. The Dog Show starts over on the Church lawn at 12.30 pm, and runs throughout the day.

A Celebratory Quarter Peal will be rung on our Church Bells at 11 am, with the help of friends from neighbouring towers. This will announce our Village Fete far and wide, so even if you're not able to be with us in person you'll hear the joyful sound if you live anywhere near Lees. 

The Victorian themed Lees Village Fete will be officially opened by Harvest Queen Annie at 12 noon at the church gates. Admission is free of charge, and refreshments will be on sale.

Musical entertainment will be in church. At 12.30 pm we are delighted to welcome Saddleworth Male Voice Choir to sing for us , and at 1.15 pm, come and be entertained by the wonderful Barnhowlers Ukelele Group.

The Lees Village Fete will take place mainly in the school and schoolyard (except for the Dog Show, which will be on the church lawn with access from Thomas Street), and promises lots of fun for the whole community.  There will be a variety of stalls and activities for all the family to enjoy, including Tombolas, Lucky Dip, Toy stall, Splat the Teacher, Hook a Duck, Penalty Shoot-Out and many more games. We will also be supported by Body Shop by Louise, Knitwits and Handmade Jewellery by Elaine.


There will be a Parish Eucharist Service in Church at 11 am, led by our Area Dean, the Revd. Daniel Ramble. Our Sunday School children will be singing, and the combined choirs of St Thomas’ and St Agnes’ will lead us in hymns which have been chosen by congregation members, accompanied by Mr Warren Andrew, our former organist. 

Refreshments will be served in our Community Room after the service, and we will remain open until 2 pm for friends and visitors to drop in.

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