Hope you had a great Christmas! Just a couple of updates and reminders now before we get back to the proper newsletters next weekend.
This Sunday there is no service at St Agnes' but there will be a Parish Eucharist, 10 am at St Thomas'. No Sunday school but children are most welcome to join us in church.
The carol singing around Lees and at the Co-op raised £150 for the Booth Centre - well done to all who came along. We'll be taking a cheque down to them at the end of next week, along with your gifts of toiletries, food and warm clothing. Donations of items will continue to be welcomed all year round.
If you signed up to receive daily #FollowTheStar emails but haven't got them, try checking your SPAM.
St Thomas' Church will be open to visitors as usual from 10.30 am to 1 pm on Saturday, but not on Tuesday as it's New Year's Day.
And if you don't follow the parish facebook pages and have missed all the photos - here's a little compilation picture of what our youngsters have been up to during Advent and Christmas.