committee meets Thursday 7pm in the vicarage.
Saturday 14th
There will be bellringing going on in the afternoon, and a meeting in the
community room.
Voice your
most of you will know that we are going to have the magazine professionally
produced from next month with more content from more people.
So, it seems
like a great opportunity to think of a new name for the magazine than Voice.
That's where you can help - we'd like your ideas of what you think the new
magazine should be called. It doesn't have to be just one word or church
related. What do you think would attract people to pick up a copy in the
library for example. If you have an idea please let Paul or one of the clergy
know by 15th January.
Paul Dent is hoping for
interesting items for the new magazine. Brief accounts of events over the
festive period, or other things that will interest our readers please. Please
give or e mail to Paul by January 15th for the Feb/Mar issue.
Make sure you have got
your copy of this month’s magazine – the last in the present format.
We are collecting items of
warm clothing such as hats, scarves, gloves and socks to take down to the Booth Centre for the homeless in
Manchester over the Christmas period. If you have any of these to spare or get
some as Christmas presents you can't use these would be most welcome. as an unwanted chocolate bar that would be greatly
If any of our children or young
people play a musical instrument,
would they like to join a small group to play occasionally in church services?
Please let Paul or Edith know if you might be interested.
articles to
Items for the newsletter to Edith by Wednesday eve
Sat Jan 7th Coffee morning at the home of Mrs V
Green 10.30 till noon
Thurs Jan 12th
Standing Committee Vicarage 7pm
Sun Jan 15th Deadline for items for the new magazine
Mon Jan 16th DCC
St Thomas 7pm
Wed Jan 18th DCC St Agnes
Mon Jan 23rd PCC
St Thomas 7pm
Sun Jan 29th
Churches Together service Salem
Moravian church 3pm.
Archdeacon Cherry
Thurs Feb 2nd Ladies of
L’d Games night St Thomas church 7.30pm
Sat Feb 4th Coffee morning at the home of Mrs V Howarth 10.30 till
Mon Feb 20th Building committee St Thomas’ 7.30pm
Don’t forget to check out the parish blogspot too!