From today you can pick up
a bargain at the church stall run by
Harvest Queen Amy Jakeman and her retinue.
There will be books, toys and household goods. Please support these
young people!
Today at 3pm Churches Together service for the Week
of Christian Unity at Springhead Congregational Church. It would be good to
have some people there from our parish.
Your church needs you! Why
not use the New Year as a time to start doing something extra for church? It is
too easy to expect things to just happen, for others to do them. We
particularly need more people to read and do the prayers at both churches –
help is available if you are unsure. The flower rota at St Agnes has spaces,
the flower arrangers at St Thomas would welcome more volunteers, the coffee
rota at St Agnes needs filling in too. Please don’t think that because people
do a job there is no space for you.
Please think carefully
about whether you could give to church by standing
order. This is a simpler way to give than remembering to bring collection,
and it gives church a clearer idea of what funds we have available. Failing
that, could you take planned giving
envelopes? If you are a tax payer, would you be willing to gift aid your donations- so the church
gets money back from the tax man? Please ask Liz Dent or Edith for forms, or
the wardens for planned giving envelopes.
St. Thomas’
Leesfield Eco Committee have their next textile collection on Wednesday 27th January, so if you fancy
a clear out of clothes, shoes, handbags, etc please bag up and bring along for
9am. If you need your bags collecting
please contact Karen Jakeman.
The Ultimate Minion’s
Valentine’s party is coming to St. Thomas’ Leesfield on Friday 12th February 6:30pm-8:30pm. So come along in
fancy dress and be entertained by Mimi Minion and friends; music, dancing and
silly games. Don’t delay buy your ticket now, only £5 including food,
drink and photograph with your Minion friend. Tickets are available from
Mrs Jakeman. This will be a children
only disco and parents are requested to drop off their children for a 6:30pm
start and pick them up promptly at 8:30pm. Thank You.
Items for the newsletter to Edith by Wednesday eve